Spend the day experimenting with simple collage, stencils, printing blocks, mark making and stamps. We have a Gelli Plate that you can use for making collage tissue papers and there will be opportunities for you to learn how to make a printing block. Combining all the skills you will learn in this workshop we will make these collaged prints into small books that can have drawings, extra printing and text added to them for finishing touches.
Please bring along an apron, baby wipes and any stamps or stencils you wish to use.
Workshop title: Experimental Printmaking Paper Book (Summer 2025)
Tutor: Sue Green
Time: 10:30am – 4:00pm
Date: Saturday 10th May
Price: £75
Two-week cut off: We recommend booking at least two weeks prior to the start date so we can be sure that the class has enough students to go ahead!
Age recommendation for adult courses is 19+.
This course takes place in the Art Studio. Please note that regrettably this room is not accessible to wheelchair users due to necessary fire evacuation regulations.