Dance the Night Away! Jigfoot’s Ceilidh at Woodgreen

“a sparkling 5 out of 5 stars” – young reviewer Saff Jarvis shares her thoughts on Ceilidh with Jigfoot

Show Title: Ceilidh with Jigfoot
Venue: The Mill at Woodgreen, Woodgreen Leisure Centre, Woodgreen Ave, Banbury OX16 0HS
Date Attended: May 16th 2024

On the evening of Thursday, May 16th, the Mill Arts Centre hosted a delightful event titled “Ceilidh with Jigfoot” at their innovative pop-up venue: Woodgreen Leisure Centre in Banbury. The event promised a night of traditional English ceilidh dancing accompanied by the vibrant live music of Jigfoot, and it certainly did not disappoint.

A ceilidh, pronounced “kay-lee,” is a traditional social gathering with origins deeply rooted in Gaelic culture. The term itself means “visit” in Gaelic, signifying a meeting of friends and neighbours for dance and music. While ceilidhs are prominent in Irish and Scottish cultures, the English ceilidh boasts its own unique charm, blending regional tunes and dances that reflect the rich tapestry of English folk traditions. Historically, these gatherings have been a staple of rural life, fostering community spirit and social interaction. The Mill Arts Centre’s decision to host such an event underscores their commitment to celebrating and preserving cultural heritage while introducing a new generation to the joys of communal dance.

Jigfoot, the band leading the evening’s musical escapade, comprises five talented musicians, featuring two fiddles, a cello, a melodeon (an instrument I had never heard of!), and an acoustic guitar. Their repertoire, primarily sourced from southern English traditions, exuded an infectious energy that resonated throughout the venue. From the first note to the final encore, their performance was a masterclass in creating music that not only invited but insisted that the audience get up and dance.

Upon arriving at The Mill @ Woodgreen, I was immediately taken by the venue’s welcoming ambiance. The transformation of the Woodgreen Leisure Centre into a cozy, rustic dance hall was executed with charm and attention to detail. Soft, ambient purple lighting created a magical atmosphere, accentuated by warm light garlands above the musicians that added a touch of enchantment to the setting. The sound system ensured that every musical note and caller’s instruction was crystal clear, no matter where you stood in the hall.

The evening’s caller, a vital figure in any ceilidh, was nothing short of spectacular. With clear, concise instructions and a touch of humour, he guided even the most inexperienced dancers through a series of lively dances. My boyfriend, initially hesitant and shy about dancing, found himself swept up in the enthusiasm of the evening. Thanks to the encouragement of a friendly attendee and the caller’s engaging direction, he not only joined in but ended up loving it, dancing with a level of joy and abandon I hadn’t seen before.

The dances themselves were a delightful mix of the familiar and the novel. Each dance offered something unique, and the band’s inventiveness shone through, infusing traditional tunes with a modern swing that made it nearly impossible to stay still. The musician playing the melodeon was particularly captivating, passionately tapping her foot and her fingers dancing across the keys with a grace that mirrored the dancers on the floor.

One of the standout aspects of the evening was the palpable sense of community. The Mill Arts Centre’s events program deserves high praise for introducing such a unique and heartfelt event to Banbury. The ceilidh fostered an environment where strangers became friends, and the collective joy of dance broke down any initial hesitations or social barriers. It was heartening to see people of all ages and backgrounds coming together, united by the simple pleasure of music and movement. People attended alone, in couples, with friends, and family – including a sweet grandma and granddaughter pair!

The Mill Arts Centre team also came over to run the bar, keeping us hydrated and enriching the collaboration. Their presence ensured that the event ran smoothly and added to the overall sense of community and support.

Reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of the evening, it’s challenging to find any significant faults. The energy, music, and atmosphere combined to create a truly magical experience that left everyone smiling and looking forward to the next event at both Woodgreen and by the Jigfoot.

In conclusion, “Ceilidh with Jigfoot”, organised by The Mill at Woodgreen was an enchanting and exhilarating evening. The combination of joyful live music, expert calling, and a welcoming venue made for an unforgettable night of dance and community spirit. I wholeheartedly recommend attending future ceilidhs hosted by the Mill Arts Centre – whether you’re an experienced dancer or a complete novice, you’re sure to find joy and camaraderie in equal measure.

Overall, I would give the event a sparkling 5 out of 5 stars. The Mill Arts Centre has truly outdone itself, delivering an event that not only entertained but also enriched the cultural fabric of Banbury. Here’s to many more nights of dancing and community joy!

5 out of 5 stars.

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