Explore the world of printmaking in this Youth workshop. Create a unique block print using polystyrene sheets, paint & rollers. We will explore drawing your design, rolling paint, using multiple colours and contact printing. All materials are provided in this workshop.

Workshop title: Youth (6-12 years) Beginners Printmaking (Summer 2025)

Tutor: Emma Wilkinson
Time: 4pm – 5:30pm
Dates: Thursday 10th July
Price: £13.50 per person

Two-week cut off: We recommend booking at least two weeks prior to the start date so we can be sure that the class has enough students to go ahead!

This course takes place in the Lock Room. This room is wheelchair accessible with level access.

Class information

When can I attend the class?

Date & Details Tickets & Pricing

Book Online

Very limited availability! Only 12 tickets left. Thursday 10 Jul 2025
Starts: 16:00

Standard £13.50

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